Here's a list that we've put together to get you started to put in your time capsule:
Advertisements - Current |
Diary |
News of the day |
Advertisements - for Antiques |
DNA analysis |
Newspaper Articles |
Audio Discs |
Essays |
Newspapers |
Autographs |
Family pictures |
Phone Book |
Badges |
Favourite Hat |
Photos |
Ballpoint Pen |
Genealogical tree |
Predictions about the future |
Bank Statement & Cheques |
Internet Information |
Recipes |
Bible & Prayer Book |
Interviews with local dignitaries |
Scientific magazines |
Biographies |
Invitations to Past & Current Events |
Slide Rule |
Blueprints |
IQ Test |
Stamps & Coins |
Building plans |
Legal Documents |
Supermarket product list |
Business cards |
Letterhead |
Ticket Stubs |
Calculator |
List of Corporate Executives |
TV Guide |
Calendars |
Magazines & Catalogues |
Weather statistics |
Car sales brochure |
Members, Parishioners, Students |
Cricket ball |
CDs or Memory sticks |
Menus |
Football |
College marks |
Movie Reviews |
Golf Ball & Tee |
Credit Card |
Music |
Sports Statistics & Scores |
Current Coins | Team Jerseys |
We'd love to hear if you've thought of more, tell us in the comments box below...