Unearthed in 2061

Pupils from Mosscroft Primary School in Huyton together with Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT) and Bramalls Construction have put together a collection of items which they felt would most represent their lives today to bury in a time capsule that will not be unearthed for another 50 years.

It has been buried under a new development by KHT at Tiverton Close which will provide 49 new homes. The children of the future will be able to read The Liverpool Echo and Knowsley Challenge from the day the time capsule was buried on Wednesday 20th April 2011; and see photographs of the children wearing the fashions of the day.

Also included were Liverpool FC and Everton FC programmes; handprints of the school children; photos of the development being built; school newsletters; Living in Knowsley magazine and much more. Steve Heverin, KHT Operational Director of Investment, said: “We really wanted to involve the local community in this project. The children have done a great job and it is amazing to think that in 50 years time people will be given a glimpse into life in 2011 from the items we have buried.”

Mosscroft headteacher Miss Jill Albertina said: “ The project has been a fantastic opportunity for the Mosscroft Community to capture all that is special about our school, our families and our children. The experience was enjoyed by all who participated and secured a place in history for our community.”


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