On 28th July, William Ransom Primary School buried a school jumper with the crest on, in their time capsule. They also managed to fit in:
- A KS2 striped tie
- A selection of school badges – Sports Colours, School colours, house captains
- A letter from Mrs Driver explaining why the time capsule was buried
- Letter from a pupil explaining what life is like at William Ransom today – this was done by Katie as it was her idea.
- A photograph of the whole school
- Our Ofsted report
- An edition of the School Magazine – The Orbit
- A copy of the Annual Governors report
- An edition of The Comet newspaper
- A recipe for the school’s favourite school lunch – chicken pie
- A copy of Herts Catering Lunch menu
- A USB stick on with a time lapse video of our building work and photographs of the school in action
They're hoping that someone at the school is around in 50 years time when it's unearthed!